Inside Haven Conference 2015 – Video Highlights

The Haven Conference just ended last night, and admittedly – I still have not gone to sleep yet.

Instead, I pulled an all-nighter to bring you a very special video message…

Back story: This was not planned AT ALL.

As I was talking to James Friday night about what I needed to bring with me on Saturday – he suggested I bring our new camera to Haven so that I could shoot video.

Shoot video?

I didn’t think I’d have time or the opportunity, and worried about lugging around a heavier camera and accidentally dropping it.

I’ll just take some pictures with my phone, I thought silently.

But just in case, I brought the DSLR as more of an afterthought.

Then during the opening ceremony – I spotted the money shot. Two dudes representing La-Z-Boy walking around in suits made out of rather “bold” upholstery fabric.

That’s when it hit me – I could tape some vignettes with some of the “characters” of Haven. I’m always inspired by late night shows like Conan, Jimmy Kimmel, and John Oliver when they ask interview subjects the most random questions ever. I love it and have always wanted to emulate them.

So in the words of the Home Depot slogan: “Let’s do this!”

All of the people I approached were totally up for doing it, and I somehow managed to interview HGTV host Dan Faires – without any type of press credentials and definitely NOT arranged ahead of time. (Most celebrity interviews require booking)

I’m still not super comfortable on camera and am doing what I can to improve my voicing – so that part is a work in progress. And excuse the fact that I was operating on three hours of sleep (my personal schedule is rather unorthodox) and that I was fueled by a Monster energy drink.

This isn’t it for the videos, either.

I’ve produced six more from the event, but still need to add graphics and some other finishing touches.








If you like them – please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can stay tuned for more!

Hope you enjoy!

– Jennifer

P.S. – you’d really think this post was sponsored, but it’s not at all.

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